Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Goats Who Make Cheese

Bluegrass of course, this band is made up of a group of Caucasian males in their late 30's to early 40's who come from all different walks of life ( lawyers, doctors, engineers... ) and draw inspiration for their music from the nuances of their varied passions. ( golf, their 401K and of course whatever the current top conservative political leader has been up to... ) Their instruments are very expensive. They have made it half way through "Bluegrass for Dummies" and they have found a night that everyone can practice... as long as the garbage has been taken out. Rest in peace Earl Scruggs. I know that you're not dead but if these guys ever make it anywhere...

* all band names on this blog are made up, have come from my mind and could very possibly be bands already. I have done no research into whether or not these bands actually exist. If you find any representation in this blog to be in any way representative of yourself or someone you know and you find said representation to be complimentary, please feel good about it. However if you find it to be offensive you may want to take a closer look at yourself and make some changes. disclaimer ended.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Poisonous Grains

Definitely not a name for the undisciplined eater. Poisonous Grains calls to mind a gluten free vegan punk rock band that hails from the days of X marked hands and leather free shoes. The source of their power comes from their angst over the fact that none of the members can actually eat what they want to. Welcome to the genre of anti-carb rock! Hope you packed some ear plugs, organic veggie chips and an extra bag of apple cinnamon strudel rice cakes.

* all band names on this blog are made up, have come from my mind and could very possibly be bands already. I have done no research into whether or not these bands actually exist. disclaimer ended.

Friday, July 1, 2011

That would be a great name for a band...

So... every band needs a name. It needs an identity, something for the arena rock kids to chant as they work themselves into a sweat covered frenzy of tangled limbs and voices. Or something for the coffee shop kids to whisper just under the sound of exotic fairly traded beans grinding and low-fat organic soy milk frothing or whatever soy milk's equivalent to froth is. Regardless of the scenario a name is a neccessity and it just so happens that lately in my every day life I find myself stopping more and more and making the statement, "Man, that would be a great name for a band..." And so it begins.